SOLD  "Returning was no Longer an Option" original painting by Jacquline Hurlbert

SOLD "Returning was no Longer an Option" original painting by Jacquline Hurlbert


Original acrylic painting , 21-5/8" high x 16-5/8" wide x 1.5" cradled wood panel.

Life teaches us many invaluable lessons, some not so pleasant. But hopefully, each one helps us to grow until we no longer fit inside the confines of who we once were. Then we can step outside the cage and walk away.

Each of my paintings is a collection of under paintings. I build up layers of paint and texture before I introduce a figure. This provides a rich backdrop for the image to live on. It also helps me to mentally prepare for the story I'm about to tell.

I use symbolism to communicate my thoughts and ideas. The symbols I use create a pictorial language that I share with my audience. Each piece is a unique expression of my response to my inner world and the world around me.

SOLD  "Returning was no Longer an Option" original painting by Jacquline Hurlbert
SOLD  "Returning was no Longer an Option" original painting by Jacquline Hurlbert
SOLD  "Returning was no Longer an Option" original painting by Jacquline Hurlbert